
Happy Easter 2021 – but how?

Easter 2021 is a chance for recharging, reflection and refocus. Four days in a row given to you – with no special family assignments, official gatherings or even services.

At the same time, you cannot rely on any routines as most of your usual Easter activities probably have been canceled. In order to use your time well, some thoughts in advance are needed. Why?

If you think back of the past weeks: what particular moments can you remember? Often people refer to this corona time like one endless week in which each day is so similar to all this others that it is hard to tell what happened when.

Easter can become a turning point in these endless days that are all alike – if you make it special.

Usually, special moments are ‚bought‘ – a concert, a night at the movies, a trip, a restaurant dinner. Now all of these options are gone. The radius in which everyone moves has become smaller, routine has kicked in.

There is still the option to make a moment ’special‘ but the ‚how to‘ has changed. All of a sudden, you are much more responsible to define the how, find new ways and surprise your loved ones and yourself with creative ideas.

Therefore, lets take some time to think about Easter:

  • How would you like to feel after the long weekend?
  • How can you reach that feeling?
  • What can you prepare today in order to have special moments on Easter?

To give you an idea, here are some thoughts of my own:

I want to feel recharged after the long weekend for which I need to take long walks, be in nature and spend time with my family. As a Christian, I want to celebrate this time, too. Therefore, I will celebrate the Pesach on the evening before Good Friday as a rememberance of Jesus‘ last supper with his disciples and I will take an early Easter Sunday morning walk into the sunrise as a symbol of Jesus ressurection on that day. In addition, I will set asside some time for journaling as it clears my mind and sets new vision.

For your Easter to be special, too, you need to purposefully plan some activities ahead and set intention in your tasks. Even watching a whole episode of your favourite series on netflix can be fulfilling if you intenionally plan this time into your weekend – incl. self-made popcorn, your favourite pyjamas and a warm blanket.

So, what is your special for the long weekend?

Happy Easter!

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