Revive your magic spell
When was the last time you saw your life full of opportunities? Can you recall a day when the world seemed to lay to your feet ready to be conquered? Often this happens when we face a situation for the first time. We have no idea what could happen but inwardly we vibrantly seek the new opportunities incorporated.
On this white canvas of unknowing our imagination can draw the most colourful hopes and dreams.
For me, such a moment is the first day after moving to a new city. Every street is new, every sound unfamiliar, each walk an exploration. Discovering the cutest hideaway-café, exploring the mysterious parks and enjoying the cities‘ architecture are adventures to be experienced.
Same is true for the first day in a new job, a freshborn relationship with the significant other and with a new year.
We pause. Step back. Take a look. And think.
What do I dream of? What do I hope for?
Often I get reminded of an old German poem by Hermann Hesse. It states „each new beginning enfolds a magic spell, which protects us and helps us to live„.
Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne,
Hermann Hesse, Stufen
Der uns beschützt und der uns hilft, zu leben.
A new beginning is special for the human soul. Somehow we all long for this moment when we can start anew. We get fascinated by an untouched snowfield with its sparkling white cover. The first sunbeams in the morning that are tickling the waft of mist over dark ground.
These special first moments we remember easily. In Detail. And Slow-Motion. The magic spell is at work.
With the new year at hand let the magic spell be active in your life again and start dreaming for the upcoming months. What would you like to discover? Who do you want to meet? Where do you want to travel?
And last but not least:
When was the last time you experienced something for the first time?
Maybe it’s about time.