Stop limiting yourself
What do you believe about yourself?
We all know that particular colleague who somehow is over-confident and everyone is annoyed by the pride displayed. Nevertheless, when it comes down to achievements, these people reach more than one would think judged by their potential.
If you are convinced that you cannot reach a certain goal or do a particular action, you will never try. Or you try, but the shakiness in your actions lets other people doubt whether you are fully capable of what you are doing. We know this pattern as ’self fulfilling prophecy“.
But what if your convictions about your potential and abilities are wrong? What if you are not as stupid / ugly / unwanted as you think? What could be different in your life?
Here is one interesting thought that might change your perspective regarding your cleverness. Professor Carol Dweck analyzed the learning potential of human beings, leading to new assumptions based on the mindset of the individuum. While there is the potential to get stuck in your learning abilities due to a ’set mindset‘, you are also capable of enhancing your abilities all your life when living with a ‚growth mindset‘. The difference is the assumption that you take regarding your ability. In the first case you assume that you have already reached your peak performance; hence, every setback will convince you that you cannot progress and therefore you already have reached your limits. A ‚growth mindset‘ sees failure or setbacks as a status-quo description but not a measurement of the potential that lies within you. Professor Dweck summarizes her results in this easy way:
Test scores and measures of achievement tell you where a student is, but they don’t tell you where a student could end up. –
Carol Dweck
So, where can you end up?
Being challenged to think about these type of questions is part of a coaching session. A coach will always bring in new perspectives, challenge your mindset and uncover self-limiting beliefs. This is why Coaching can be tremendously exhausting and you need a lot of courage to face your inner fears. But once done, you will love the freedom that comes with the changed perspective of your life.
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