RoL – return on love
„Ship your grain across the sea; after many days you may receive a return.“
The Bible, Ecclesiastes 11:1
The picture of shipping grain across the sea implies uncertainty. Back in the days, you couldn’t know whether your ship will reach it’s destination. You didn’t know whether the grain was still good when reaching the harbor; or if the goods were valuable at the market.
After many weeks, your sailors would return and you would find out what you get in return – Spices? Salt? Fine linen? … or just some average payback? Despite the risk of not getting a return, people continued sending grain over the sea, trusting that somewhere sometime they will get something they couldn’t get any other way.
For me, this is a picture of how I want to live in business. Sending out generously favours, encouragements, afirming words and job recommendations – not knowing if or what I will ever get in return. Or even from whom I will get a return.
What I can see: So many good things already came my way – unexpected and wonderful! A thank-you here, a praise report there – reactions of people that I could never have triggered on purpose. But each positive moment is rooted in an investment of mine weeks and months back.
I encourage you to start investing in relationships with the people around you – applicants, clients, colleagues. You never know if there will be a return – but the wise verses from the bible seem to highlight an important aspect of life. Let’s ship our grain over the seas!